In the depths of the Enraptured Forest, there dwelled a piece of firewood named Damp Daryl. Carved from the heartwood of a venerable oak tree, Daryl's existence was marked by an unyielding dampness that clung to him like a curse.
From the moment Damp Daryl was carved from his oak tree, he found himself shrouded in moisture, his fibers saturated with water that refused to evaporate. Despite the best efforts of the woodcutters to dry him out, Daryl remained stubbornly damp, his potential to ignite extinguished before it could even spark.
Left abandoned in the corner pile of drying firewood, Damp Daryl languished in obscurity, a forgotten relic of what could have been. He watched with envy as his fellow kindling crackled and popped in the campfires of the villagers, their warmth a distant dream for Daryl.
As the seasons passed and the years wore on, Damp Daryl's spirit wilted like a flower denied sunlight. He yearned to fulfill his purpose, to blaze brightly in the darkness, but the dampness held him fast, an unbreakable chain binding him to his fate.
Despite his despair, Damp Daryl clung to a glimmer of hope deep within him. He refused to surrender to the dampness completely, holding onto the belief that someday, somehow, he would find a way to dry out and ignite into a brilliant flame.
One fateful day, as the wood packagers gathered a batch of firewood, Damp Daryl found himself inadvertently bundled alongside a stack of kiln-dried wood. Tumbling and jostling in the package, he dared to hope that perhaps this was his chance to escape the dampness that had plagued him for so long.
Transported to a bustling campsite deep in the heart of the woodland, Damp Daryl lay nestled among his dry companions, the warmth of the sun and the gentle breeze working their magic on his damp fibers. Slowly but surely, the moisture began to evaporate, and Daryl felt a glimmer of excitement stirring within him.
As night fell and the campfire crackled to life, Damp Daryl found himself tossed into the flames alongside his companions. For the first time in his life, he felt the exhilarating heat of the fire licking at his surface, the flames dancing around him in a wild, joyous frenzy.
But alas, Damp Daryl's moment of triumph was short-lived. Despite his best efforts to burn bright, his dampened core refused to fully ignite, leaving him only half-burned amidst the glowing embers of the campfire.
As the flames died down and the campers drifted off to sleep, Damp Daryl lay smoldering in the ashes, his spirit dampened once more by the bitter sting of disappointment. But even in his half-burned state, he clung to the flicker of warmth within him, a reminder that even the dampest of dreams can still burn bright with perseverance and hope.
(Go back to the "Dirty Dozen.")